Final Poster and Cards Changes (Ruth)

Changes to the colours, and making sure the text is all the same between the headers in the other touchpoints, (kabel bold).

Final poster with lightened hand and added in logo.

Small iterations and developments of ideas for the cards.

Getting ready to do a test print for the cards and their case: working out the template ect...

 First test print in black and white to see how the composition works at size. We really liked how this turned out, so we'll continue to make slight iterations to the cards themselves but the layout is good.

Changed up font to match other touchpoints- final composition for the cards case? At this stage I'm really happy with this and can't see any more immediate changes needed.

From teacher feedback from our mockup printout, we've decided to change up the pictures as shown below by adding some additional personalised aspects to them that tie it all together with the theme. We also decided to put them on the back of the cards to make the front designs more clean and clear.
