
After talking with the tutors we wanted to make sure our text was easily accessible, being that the web designs main purpose is to provide info on our game night. We shrunk it down to the standard 12 point font and gave it some breathing room with margins on the side.

Once we had the desktop all set we could start focusing on the design for the phone. Since the use of smart phones is so big nowadays we knew this would be a cruicial part of our design. Since it is such a smaller space to work with we had to slightly simplify our design from the desktop in order to work with the phone layout.

As for navigation we no longer had enough space to use the top portion of the screen like with our desktop design. We went with a hamburger style scroll down bar from the top right. This would allow for easy access from your thumb and we were sure to space the buttons out well enough that it wouldn't effect those with slightly larger fingers.
