

We decided to do the ‘get to know your neighbours’ event, where we would host a games night instead of a BBQ. This enabled us to use the visual style of a traditional New Zealand family game, Monopoly, in our designs. For the poster our concept used our theme by linking to the games chance cards, this also flowed really nicely with the message of preparing for disasters. We decided to use a simplistic visual approach with a vector drawn style, as we felt this would be able to flow through to our other touchpoints effectively and also matched with the style of the monopoly game itself. For the website we knew it was going to be largely text based, in order to unify it with our other designs and keep with the monopoly theme we used Kabel as the header font and Gil Sans for the body paragraphs, the same fonts used in the game. We also used the same pictures and colour scheme in all our designs. For our third touchpoint we made a set of cards as a hand


After talking with the tutors we wanted to make sure our text was easily accessible, being that the web designs main purpose is to provide info on our game night. We shrunk it down to the standard 12 point font and gave it some breathing room with margins on the side. Once we had the desktop all set we could start focusing on the design for the phone. Since the use of smart phones is so big nowadays we knew this would be a cruicial part of our design. Since it is such a smaller space to work with we had to slightly simplify our design from the desktop in order to work with the phone layout. As for navigation we no longer had enough space to use the top portion of the screen like with our desktop design. We went with a hamburger style scroll down bar from the top right. This would allow for easy access from your thumb and we were sure to space the buttons out well enough that it wouldn't effect those with slightly larger fingers.

Final Poster and Cards Changes (Ruth)

Changes to the colours, and making sure the text is all the same between the headers in the other touchpoints, (kabel bold). Final poster with lightened hand and added in logo. Small iterations and developments of ideas for the cards. Getting ready to do a test print for the cards and their case: working out the template ect...  First test print in black and white to see how the composition works at size. We really liked how this turned out, so we'll continue to make slight iterations to the cards themselves but the layout is good. Changed up font to match other touchpoints- final composition for the cards case? At this stage I'm really happy with this and can't see any more immediate changes needed. From teacher feedback from our mockup printout, we've decided to change up the pictures as shown below by adding some additional personalised aspects to them that tie it all together with the theme. We also decided to put them o

Web Design Progress

The first iteration of the web-design is shown below. After the interm I decided to re-work it a bit to better relate to our poster design. I wanted to keep the same color scheme but slightly alter it in order to match the bold red of the poster design. I also wanted to ensure the home page was attracting and made a positive first impression on the viewer. I also expanded the about and prep page by spreading them down to allow the viewer to scroll through the information rather then having it all thrown at them at once. By doing this I was able to expand the text making it more accessable to the viewer. I also incorporated more of the monopoly characters into the design to make it visually appealing.

Week Five Poster Development and Third Touchpoint Changes (Ruth)

For our third touch point we had an idea inspired from interim presentation, where we saw another student had made a small box which unfolded with a toilet paper roll inside. We thought that we were missing an opportunity to really make use of the monopoly theme. So we thought we could make a small partial set of property cards with the same information we'd initially intended to display in a flyer. Below is my initial attempt to mock up how some of these might look.  Some quick research into small cases which we could use to hold our cards. After quickly making up a couple of these, i think the bottom left option will be the most successful and also easily made. The front and back cover designs we had planned to use for the flyer will become the front and back of the wee case

Week Five Interim presentation and class notes from this week


Third touchpoint development (Flyer) (Ruth)

 Initial sketches, ideas of what information to include, how this may be presented. I've decided to go with an A5 booklet style which would have a tear off contact form, and the other half would be safety info personal list stuff which could be stuck on the fridge? I would link all this in to our monopoly theme by using the community chest concept of 'fill your community chest.' Notes of stuff/ information that should be included Digital mockups of initial concepts with slight iterations.