
We decided to do the ‘get to know your neighbours’ event, where we would host a games night instead of a BBQ. This enabled us to use the visual style of a traditional New Zealand family game, Monopoly, in our designs.

For the poster our concept used our theme by linking to the games chance cards, this also flowed really nicely with the message of preparing for disasters. We decided to use a simplistic visual approach with a vector drawn style, as we felt this would be able to flow through to our other touchpoints effectively and also matched with the style of the monopoly game itself.

For the website we knew it was going to be largely text based, in order to unify it with our other designs and keep with the monopoly theme we used Kabel as the header font and Gil Sans for the body paragraphs, the same fonts used in the game. We also used the same pictures and colour scheme in all our designs.

For our third touchpoint we made a set of cards as a handout to take away from our event. Continuing our monopoly theme, we used the community chest cards as the concept for the cover, and the property cards style for the cards inside.
